Rangel is a global logistics company headquartered in Portugal. They are responsible for the logistical operations of some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Rangel approached us with the vision to provide completely transparent and accessible information about medicine to everyone: medical professionals and patients. We supported them end-to-end as consultants and implementation partners.

The client

Leader in pharmaceutical logistics

Rangel is a global logistics company based in Portugal. It moves cargo over 220 countries and territories (transportation and warehousing). Rangel felt the need to digitally evolve within this industry. They asked us to create a MedTech solution combining human-centered designs with medical information and reliability.

The challenge

Decentralizing all information

To identify the best solution for the pharmaceutical logistics needs, we first conducted digital product research. In order to tackle complex problems and the unknown, we gathered all the assumptions about the product or service.

As a result, we came up with a methodology based on design thinking and tech research. In co-creation, we explored all the data on the product and where the client wants to take it next. We identified the needs and problems of the stakeholders, enabling us to understand the client’s vision and their overall business. We also conducted personal interviews. Next, we created a user journey map together with the client. This is a concise representation of how the user will interact with the service or product. It shows the user’s perspective, detailing every step of the interaction with the possible barriers along the way.

Additionally, as part of tech research, we did some benchmarking, tech, and risk assessment regarding technologies and implementations. Two of the most relevant findings and recommendations were that decentralization was strongly recommended since we are dealing with high-end medicine and blockchain technology. Thanks to blockchain’s architecture, all the information given to the user is genuine and transparent ensuring the quality of the service and information.

The solution

Human-centered and decentralized

MeDS is a solution based on blockchain technology focused on human centricity. It means every patient and healthcare professional will be able to access the best information about their medicine, wherever they are. The aim is to share all relevant data we can get with the end-users (pharmacists, physicians, and patients). We will do this by opening Rangel’s systems to the public regarding data validation of medicine traceability such as source (labs), destination, temperature, humidity, and time-stamping.

Any questions?
Tell me all about them.

Laurent Schauvliege
Digital Innovation Acceleration Coordinator


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