We built All4Roof for Wienerberger, a leading manufacturer of building materials. It’s an intuitive platform for roofers with a project calculator, warranty portal and quote generator.

The client
Wienerberger is a leading manufacturer of building materials. Each year their bricks build more than 150,000 houses and their roof tiles cover more than 285,000 roofs, they are truly international with production plants across 29 countries.

The challenge
We were faced with three challenges for their roof businesses.
First of all, roofers are the key decision-makers in Single Family Home roof renovations. Hence, Wienerberger wanted to create a digital connection with roofers. This would also allow them to take on their second challenge: provide a service to roofers following the company’s overall digital ambition to ‘make it easier to do business with Wienerberger’.
The last challenge? One efficient platform, across Wienerberger countries reducing maintenance and allowing easy governance.

The solution
A few years ago, Wienerberger in Belgium worked with Verhaert Digital to develop a project calculator for roofers. The idea was checked with roofers in multiple countries and received a positive response.
Wienerberger reached out to Verhaert Digital to further develop All4Roof as a scalable digital platform for roofers across those countries.
Verhaert Digital developed All4Roof, an online platform containing multiple applications. We rebuilt and refined the already successful roofer project calculator and improved the quote generator and added a warranty portal.
The new All4Roof platform helps roofers in their day-to-day work:
- Using Google Maps, roofers can make a first offer without leaving their office.
- Traditionally translating the geometry of a roof for a single-family house into a bill of material is often a manual process today using multiple tools. With the All4Roof project calculator, this can be done in one platform and by pressing a few buttons.
- The bill of material for each project is calculated for wind, snow and ventilation ensuring the roofer that the correct products are selected in the required quantities fulfilling local/ country regulation standards.
- The bill of material can be exported and sent to suppliers as an order or RFQ.
- All projects and quotes are saved in All4Roof and this can help roofers to keep an overview and build their order pipeline.
- Roofers can also digitally request a roof warranty directly from Wienerberger reducing paperwork to zero.
While for the roofers we focused on making the interface intuitive and simple to use for most of their projects, the complexity of All4Roof is in the back-end.
The product assortments are very different per country and most countries offer between 5000 and 10.000 SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) through All4Roof. Legal and national technical requirements for constructing a roof differ significantly, hence some customization and configuration per country were required. All offered in the local language. Country key users can manage their country version in the back-end portal.
Product data and regulations change and the All4Roof governance process needs to be simple, quick and synchronized with other Wienerberger platforms.

“A complex roof project takes about 1,5 hours to draft a quote. Using All4Roof, roofers only need 15 minutes. Roofer feedback has been positive, converting them to a more digital way of working is our biggest challenge.”
– Cor Vis, Market Manager Wienerberger Building Solutions –
The results
Feedback from roofers has been positive and today we have hundreds of roofer users in 6 countries. Not all roofers in all countries are very digital in their daily work. Converting roofers to a more digital way of working is Wienerberger’s biggest challenge. An intuitive and valuable platform is a must to master this challenge.

Thomas Lauwers
Manager Innovation Acceleration